List of the Most Dangerous Cities in the United States:

Rank 1: Detroit, Michigan
According to Forbes, Detroit of Michigan currently holds the title of being the most dangerous city in the United States. With the highest number of murders taking place in the city and its long history of felonies, Detroit takes the first place. With a population over 1,900,000, the city witnesses about 1,220 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

Rank 2: Memphis, Tennessee
With a population of about 1,300,000 people and violent crime per 100,000 as 1,218, Memphis of Tennessee stands at second place on Forbes list. However, current statistics for Memphis, that is from January 2010 to the end of May 2010, say that overall crime was down by 30%, when compared to the statistical data of 2006.

Rank 3: Miami, Florida
Miami, a major city situated on the Atlantic coast in southeastern Florida has a population of 2,401,971. The number of crimes per 100,000 people was 998, giving this city the third place in the list of most dangerous cities in the United States.

Rank 4: Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas, well-known for its wide options for gambling, shopping, fine dining, extravagant casinos and entertainment, takes fourth place in America's most dangerous cities list. With a population of 1,834,533, this city has a crime rate of 887 per 100,000 people.

Rank 5: Stockton, California
The 13th largest city in California, Stockton with its population of 684,406, features a crime rate of 885 people per 100,000, making it the fifth most dangerous city to live in America.

Rank 6: Orlando, Florida
The city of Orlando is the 27th largest metropolitan area in the United States and is a major city in Florida. With a population of 2,020,346 and a crime rate of 845 per 100,000, Orlando bags the sixth place in the most dangerous city list.

Rank 7: Little Rock, Arkansas
With a population number of 659,776, this city has a recorded crime rate of 831 crimes per 100,000 people.

Rank 8: Charleston, South Carolina
The oldest city of the state of South Carolina and also the second largest city, Charleston with its population of 616,999 and crime rate of 824 per 100,000 ranks eighth.

Rank 9: Nashville, Tennessee
This city has a crime rate of 817 per 100,000. Nashville stands at number nine, with its 1,492,983 population.

Rank 10: Baltimore, Maryland
With a population of 2,652,974 this city has a recorded crime rate of 791 crimes per 100,000 giving this city the tenth place is America's top 10 dangerous cities. 

Give me your opinion about it...


  1. My name is JESUS ROSERO

    I think that the United States is a country very large and rich with a big population of people, by it, many offenders that live in it search good places for steal, they take advantage of people with much money that live in these cities for make murders and crimes. The insecurity is rising day after day and people have fear to leave their houses to work, walk or other. Thousands of people had been victims of crime and want more safety in the streets. Adults and children need to look after for the police not only at night but also day.

    1. Hello Jesús;

      In everywhere always will have bad people thinking to do damage to the other.

  2. My name is Liz Lopez

    From I see from the news, anybody has access to buy weapons and this helps to increase the rates of violence. Anybody can go to a store an buy all the guns they want without any restrictions.
    I also think that a lot of people that had lost their jobs from the bad economy may commit crimes to support their families.
    The goverment needs to improve the economy and put gun restrictions to reduce the violence in these cities.

    1. Hi Liz;
      You wrote an important aspect, the arms, they facilitate to increase the violence.

  3. My name is Clara Isabel Jimenez

    We usually think that The United States are a singular country where we can find the progress and a decent life,that is the idea that movies and media had sold us but the reality is different, United States is a nation that had worried more about its presence and participation in other countries than itself. It had implanted a system based on an extreme liberty that borders in anarchy and the consecuences are obvious: the crimes, the violence, the lost of the integrity of the families and social and moral decadence.

    1. Hello Clara;

      Totally agree; In United States have different social, economics and political problems, but, it´s important to know in a deep way how they get to solve them.

  4. My name is Camila Molina

    I think, the United States is a big a beatiful country, but with that number of crimes in all United States is affecting to the population of that country because many murders ans people want harm and commit many crimes. The poblation in USA could be more independence and healthy, for me the president should impose new rules in his country for the benefit of its population.

    1. Hi Camila;

      You´re right, spite of United States be a mundial power they have a lot of social problems, it´s necessary to create different strategies to improve them.

    2. Hi, my name is Andres Sebastian Sanchez Antia and I belong to Cycle IV. In my opinion, although the article does not have enough informatition about other kind of dangerous situations like robberies, it is terrible because the most important point is obviously the number of murders depending of the population of each city, it shows really high statistics in all of those cities; then in cities for example like Miami or Las Vegas where many touristic people arrive, this should be secure for all these people. Finally, I think that the people who want to travel to these places should be noticed of this before, in that way they could think better before do it, and of course the police of USA has take into account put more security in those cities.

  5. My name is Mateo Gutierrez Rodriguez
    I believe that the united states is a country big, full of opportunities to all world, also is a potency world. this call the atention in all people as a opportunity of live and they travel to this country. Generating needs in many of these people by overpopulation. In all world crimes are seen as the easy availability of weapons are easy, making people are less tolerant. Insecurity is viewed from the worst countries even in the best countries. The solution to this will be new laws that forbid the carrying of arms ol radiquen it altogether. Thanks for your attention. Hope you like it: D

  6. Hi, My name is Daniel Gutierrez R.
    The violence that is taking place in us long ago is because of groups or pandillas that this provides that offenses are easier to make and execute this thanks to the rules established by that country which does not prohibit weapons but with a simple study was determined not to be a danger, with this you can see the consequences of mandates and laws. The problematic of insecurity is not only us but also worldwide, which is more plagued by this problematic that every day is more and more common in the cities.

  7. Hi, I'm Juliana Castillo

    Well, I think I was a little surprise because, in the list, are cities that you don't expect to see there, because all the good fame it has, for example Las Vegas, It's a big city with a million of tourist per year. But, of course, the fact that the city it's, "famuos", Not necessarily mean that there is no violence in the city. But anyway, I think that unfortunately these times violence it's everywhere, and that we have to do something about it, because violence don't bring us nothing good, it just made the thing more difficult for a lot of people.
    I also think it's sad that cities with a lot of fame and the biggest ones, have that kind of problems, because those are cities with more chances or opportunities to make a real change.

    Thank you :D

    1. Hi Juliana;

      When people say "United States" we imagine the violence doesn´t exist over there, but there are a lot of thing we don´t know!!!

  8. hi everybody my name is luisa molano-ciclo 6
    i think that nobody is exempt to be hurt,else is very horrible know that the damage is induced by the same man and that is so sad; rightly the bible says that the man has dominated to the man for his injury, however this will change because in the bible in the psalm 37:10,11 promise the just in a little more of time the bad people will disappear and the righteous will have the earth and we could be completely sure of this because Titus 1:2 says that God cant lie. so meanwhile we shouldn't go to life in that ten cities, although every place in the world is dangerous if in Colombia make a studio lie this every city would fight for be the first.
    bye thanks

  9. Good afternoon everybody

    My name is Juliana Castro;

    The violence, in all its forms, is part of the human nature. In every place, no matter time, space, conditions or culture, people are violent, it's inside us, it's inevitable. But the diference lies on the good feelings whom we have been brig up. Sadly, too much people weren't too lucky like many of us.
    Now, United States is a country with a short story, like ours, but they have been blind about the violence and war; so we can see that in every war around the world United States is present, besides, all that incredibly power they have around the world makes them forget that his own people in alone, without love, family, a good edtucation and more; they forget the most important thing in people is not their possessions or their aptitude for a kind of 'war behavior', but but their own sense of appropriation to what they love and what they want to themselves, I mean, their families, their education, a good moral... That, I believe, is very very important for us like human beings, to love and value others human beings. However, that's not only United States' case, that happens in all countries in the whole world, where the people live together.

    Thank you!

    Have a good day

  10. jaime tovar

    is incredible to read this document and know that in a country of world power, no such danger cities, and these cities also become tourist attraction for us, reading these levels of crime, murder oensar would do that is a dangerous country, and has the best police in the world, but at the same tiepo I compare and analyze Colombia that we are nothing dangerous, and as in the whole world, and all the cities there are areas where it shines evil, but that should turn off the well, or a country must be identified so bad, but better for the good and for their achievements.

    1. Hi Jaime;

      Don´t use the automatic translators.

      Good apreciation!

  11. Good morning!

    My name is Laura Girón.

    Worldwide's misery... The violence, the crime it's a fact that not only occurs in USA. But it's very high there, 'cause their culture are quite violent... Anyone can get a gun, a lot of their TV shows are about crime, almost they encourage it... Crime and punishment. I mean... They deserve it; no the common people, obviously. Whoever promotes it...

    1. Hi Laura;

      While people don´t have conscious about the respect and love, the violence get increase.

  12. good morning

    It's amazing the amount of murders and crimes Committed in major cities in the United States. That country is to have a lot to offer but if it does not end is going to look bad image of the United States. I think That Should Enhance security and try to avoid These Things

    thank you very much

    Steven Basabe

    1. Hello dear Steven;

      Hi Brian;

      Some social and political problems help to the corrupts to earn more money!!!

  13. ciclo iv maria jose cuevas

    is a problematics very long in the history of the united states
    We find assassins in series that they attack in cold blood
    His victims change between children women teen babies and men in end attack the whole population Also we find robberies violations and all kinds of problems It is a problematics difficult to finish

  14. Felipe Diaz HernandezApril 27, 2013 at 5:11 PM

    i think life is very hard to people of united states in that sense because in a lot of states
    there are a lot of criminal groups, that make daily living very dangerous.
    Politicians do nothing about that and those groups bribe the police so they won't interfere in thefts etc.

    1. Hi Felipe;

      Be careful with the writing, you write like Spanish, remember: The grammar structures are diferent than Spanish.

  15. I know this may sounds strange, but I’m really not surprised at all.
    The united states have different social, political and economic problems, and just the fact that the university students are allowed to carry with them a weapon (guns) to defend themselves on campus, says a lot about how they are put in safety.

  16. Hi everybody

    My name is cristian Lopez

    the problematic in the united states is very important in the world because many countries in special the countries of '' third world'' take the example of developed countries as United states.

    the insecurity in this place is very critical because the crimes are increased and the people doesn't go out of these homes. in the places were exist insecurity are some but this is extending in every country.

    the united states is a beautiful country but the insecurity is finishing with them. this problem doesnt is of the persons, this problem is of who educates this people.

    thanks a lot.

  17. hello everyone.
    I think that violence in the United States and in cities like this, is due to the easy access to weapons and the lack of social organization and study in these cities, also influences the lack of opportunities for low-income people, then these people choose a road like violence.


    1. Hi Andrés;

      I agree with you, this kind of policies facilitate the violence.

  18. Good Afternoon everyone.

    My name is Maria Angelica Redondo.

    First of all, these cities are among the poorest cities on the country, since US has been trough a hard economic recessions, lot of its powerfull cities were reduced to a "Guetto" social status, were the people live with a bad standards of life. All these combined with a lack of job opportunities lead to a big turn in society.

    Thank you.

  19. Juan camilo rodriguez beltran

    I like this subject. I dirent expect that miami and Orlando where so dangerous because their are nice cities. I know that Detroit is a dangerous city and with very poor people, because many years a go Detroits economy was the car industry but this ended and many people star living aout side of the citie, but the poor people that stay in Detroit made the city dangerous place. I think that the state need to help this people for move foward.

    1. Hi Juan Camilo, What´s up?

      I totally agree with you!

  20. I think that every place in the world can be dangerous, because what makes it dangerpus isn't the place, is the people what makes it that way, so, we got to be better people in order to have a better world, another way to say this is: Be the change you want to see.

  21. hi!!!

    I think that not matter the country to see that there a delinquency. in all places where we go at least two people who are offenders and are becoming more victims of these abuses antisocial. the insecurity is increasing more and more in our society.

    United States is a country that has much privilege to be a global superpower, but it has many social problems where one of these is the delicunecia.

    1. Hi Daniela;

      Don´t use automatic translators!

      You´re right!

      The violence is a social phenomenon which affects all the society.

  22. I think is a problematic very important for the world, and is a topic very careful and so dangerous, for example Detroit Michigan, is the most dangerous city with a criminalization rate very high in E.E.U.U, all this must end definitely because from my point of view is a big problem for all the world cause that persons of E.E.U.U can easily spread to other countries the murders.

  23. hello!

    I think that the problem that have U.S.A. is the merchandising of arms because it facilitates delinquency common and it brings as consequence the violence and that opaque all good that have this country as the development technology in different sectors, much money, a quality good life, the cultural diversity and many things more nice that have.

  24. my view united states is summarized in:
    -Created the Rock
    FREEDOM-instituted expressed the essence of Democracy.
    -Was the FIRST democracy in the world
    -It was the first nuclear superpower
    -It is an example of prosperity and abundance
    -Both to the left a little paranoid
    -They think the heads of all
    -In its mixture and diversity have emerged as weighted the great enemies of mankind: hate groups, racial groups, the ideas of supremacy, gangs, serial murderers, cults suicidal / homicidal, most ignorant economic elites that ever existed in history, etc. ..

  25. my oponion of the critical situation that USA its passing by, is that all of the social problems had been gave by thebad desitions take by the USA goverment that in my opinion with all the economic capital that its in their hands they need to make a big inversion in the society policy to make the human rights be respect by all the bad situation that radicated in this country

  26. The insecurity don't descern social status, or ocuntry, a lot of people choose the easy way to get money, no matter if you're in Nicaragua or USA, always there is someone who ready to take your things no matter what.

    The first amendment defend the right to have a weapon, to defend themselfs and his lands.But you can't used to make illegal stuff, like steal things or kill people without a reason.

  27. My name is juan Ignacio arteaga and I have to admit it that I never think of united states as a violent country. It really seems like we are talking about Colombia. I guess this happens because u.s.a is such a big country and yea the crime rate increases because of this but im still surprised of how much crime the streets of this country have.

  28. Hy everyone
    Mateo Gutierrez R.
    Insecurity began in the us when people felt that could no longer go out freely and without fear of being assaulted, kidnapped or killed, turning many regions and states, This did that united states was a country fearful and distrustful. authorities do absolutely nothing to defend the citizenry, instead of this,they ally themselves giving few convictions crime. for other side are countries giving with weapons easily, increasing the problematic.

  29. Hello
    My name is Daniel Gutierrez Rodriguez
    Insecurity in the united states began to increase when to license to carry arms easily, besides the criminals bought illegally and now all these options are legles, on the other hand the police to arrest and a just conviction, but now take extreme liberties allowing robberies, murders and other are more frequent and even in cities about America had fewer murders, more massacres are more result.

  30. Good Evening:
    This list is quite interesting but not surprising, the United States is the most dangerous place in the world, apart from Middle Eastern of course, the ease of getting a gun in every corner has to affect so badly the security and the population of the people in there, in the news every week there is a person firing indiscriminately killing a lot of people and then committing suicide, but this only happen in the USA, you never heard news about a british guy shooting someone and killing himself, at least not so frequently as in the EEUU. There will always be people willing to kill others for revenge, for money, etc. It's a shame that the police can not do much to stop them!
    Any way, lets hope the government create a plan to sensitize people about the crimes and its serious consequences!

    María Fernanda Giraldo R.
    Cycle 4B 2013

  31. Hello, I'm Juliana Castillo, Cycle 6B.

    I think this only means that we can not get carried away by appearances. There is violence and dangerous situations everywhere, and because United Stated is so famous and have a lot of power, doesn't mean the life there is perfect. Many people thinks that only because the quality of life is higher there, violence doesn't exist, and not only violence, poverty, famine and a lot of problems are there, what happens is that's not what they show to the world.
    Unfortunately, we are going to find senseless violence every place where are humans, because humans are the only species that can kill without any reason.

    Thank you :)

  32. Hi everybody My name is Cristian estiben López rojas of cycle VI

    I can remember that I had participated in the last cycle on a this forum, I gave a commentary about the problematic in the most dangerous cities in the united states, on a this moment I give an explication for you about this situation.

    The most dangerous cities in the United States are the cities whit many people and this a solid explication about this problematic, the solution is give a capacitating to the persons that live in this cities, but this problem don’t happen only in the united states also happen in the rest of the world because the persons don’t have a totally conscience about this actions.

  33. Hi my name is Oscar Bedoya

    And one of the problems is the racism, in the united states of america has many people, immigrants, tourists everyone has a different, culture and religion, this deficiency of values cause fights and discussions, and this discussions finish tragically in murders.

  34. I think that all this cities of United States that are dangerous had suffer severed consequences of the gun control law. United States it´s a country were it´s very easy to buy guns and there are a lot of cultural problems that makes people want to protect themselves and their families.
    After september 11, people are afraid even of their own shadows and that is why they feel the necessity to have something to protect themselves, from all the foreigners and specially the arabs. I think that if they would create a law that prohibits people to have guns, this cities will not have all the problems that they have now.

    I think in America there high rates of dangerous cities, considering that a high crime rate according to the population is presented. This is due to the global economic crisis, drug trafficking, and the loss of family values, where each on his eagerness to get money they forget teens, helps neighbor, is another factor affecting consumerism influence thinking citizen where to get what you want is passing over others.

  36. Hi Daniel.

    Excellent comment, I notice you have read about this problematic.Very good!

  37. did not know that Miami and Las Vegas were on the list of the most dangerous cities in the U.S., cause me curious about these things when known to be places where money moves pretty, 2 years ago I saw on TV that these two cities were the most visited by tourists and that's why you had more police, to lessen the crime. I believe this is because U.S. is one of the main consumers of drugs, if this is not controlled hardly homicide rates will fall.

    CICLO 5A

  38. Good evening,
    I think in the US as in every country in the world, the felonies and violence strike in the most populous cities and the biggest metropolitan areas, we suffer the same problem here in Colombia, but we include the guerrillas and the illegal groups to the charts, and that increase the numbers of murders and felonies.
    And if the country is bigger, those numbers can increase proportionally, if the government doesn’t have a good security program or if the country is suffering of other factors that can make the towns and big cities more dangerous for the population.

    Christian Carvajal // CICLO 6a

  39. My name is Andres Sebastian Sanchez Antia and I belong to Cycle V. In my opinion, although the article does not have enough information about other kind of dangerous situations like robberies, it is terrible because the most important point is obviously the number of murders depending of the population of each city, it shows really high statistics in all of those cities; then in cities for example like Miami or Las Vegas where many touristic people arrive, this should be secure for all these people. Finally, I think that the people who want to travel to these places should be noticed of this before, in that way they could think better before do it, and of course the police of USA has take into account put more security in those cities.

  40. Hello
    my name is luz Stella I think the United states is a beautiful country where we can find a future better and a more decent life but the reading this text we show all otherwise and is that United states is a country with a problematic very similary even more that the problematics our country Colombia in United states have different problems social, political, economics, and a large number of crime rate, also I think that for the habitants of the city of Detroit Michigan must be very sad to be in the list number one de the cities more dangerous of United states. and in my opinion I prefer to follow in my country Colombia although my progress is slower.
    Good night to all.

  41. Hello
    my name is luz Stella Sarmiento, I think the United states is a beautiful country where we can find a future better and a more decent life but the reading this text we show all otherwise and is that United states is a country with a problematic very similary even more that the problematics our country Colombia in United states have different problems social, political, economics, and a large number of crime rate, also I think that for the habitants of the city of Detroit Michigan must be very sad to be in the list number one de the cities more dangerous of United states. and in my opinion I prefer to follow in my country Colombia although my progress is slower.
    Good night to all.

  42. I think that in all world, there are dangerous people. In other places more than others but always there are. I am very sorprised with that Miami is the third city most dangerous, I did not know that. I had seen that Detroit was a most dangerous city in United States. The big problem in this country is that everyone has the facility for a weapon. Many of the places most dangerous in the world are in United States. Is a great country but has a big problematic.

    Alba Yuli Ramírez

  43. Sergio Botero
    Ciclo 6A

    Good morning, reading this I can see that the United States is like any other country where they steal, also murder, and many other things. That makes me see that bad people are all over the world. Maybe Colombia is not a better country, or who knows, maybe it is, there is no excuse for that, but the people who make that kind of things, is because they do it for need or for revenge or because they are crazy. The point is that a country is noticed or made by the people that live there.

  44. Hi, mi name is Santiago Pinto.
    I think USA is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, normally the city of Las Vegas, Nevada is one of the most dangerous, because in this city there are many millionaires, and some go to silent thieves usually drunk and take advantage and steal. For both USA police have to get more tuned to the row as theft that exist in those cities.

  45. Hello.
    Well, this year i´ve been living in EEUU.
    I have know i met Orlando, Miami and Newyork, i love this country.
    The next week i´m going to Newyork to study arts.
    I hope everything goes well.

  46. David Torres Cicle 6
    Good Night

    Well according with the text Detroit is a very dangerous city, USA can be a "dreamy country" for many people but as a country is dangerous as well like all countries, I cannot say USA is the most dangerous country, because that would be a lie, even Colombia is more dangerous, but USA seems have many interesting places and more culturally people, I've never been in USA and I'll never want go there ,because for that reason I got family in Bulgary whatever, wherever you go you'll find some places dangerous and you cannot keep out from that, sometimes you gotta face them up.

  47. Good Evening

    The insecurity in usa ... surprised me.
    Well , i've thought that there their government have a big and powerful authority.
    Is that country a world power?
    sincerely , i don't think so
    so many murders , violent crimes , what happen with these?
    not have opportunities to work or study in that country?
    it's incredible that we call '' world power'' a country where don't worry for the quality life of their habitants , something so important.

    Greetings !
    Att: Angie Espinel C6 A 2014

  48. Good night

    I'm Jeanpierre Betancourt

    I think in the United States of America There are alot of probems but the biggest problem are the drugas because the people are killing, stealing and commiting suicide by the drugs also the control for the traffic drugs is very difficult and expensive.

    The other problem is the firearms because in U.S.A there isn't control firearms anad the crazy people buying firearms and every year thes people are killing childrens or adults in the schools and universities.

  49. Hello.

    I think it's terrible that a country can not be quiet violence and insecurity. Security is very important, everyone is entitled to live in peace and is important the country to invest money on security.
    Is very sad that there is so much violence. Is supposed that unite states is the country "human rights" but is the country most violent. This country make a war and prometes violence. its not fair live in fear.

    Irene Fiquitiva Contreras Ciclo VI

  50. Hi, I’m Nicolas Lozano from C6A.

    I was just reading it, and noticed that all countries have political, cultural, economic, or in this case, social problems. Two things, the first one, is related to the guns there. You can go walking through the street and watch somebody with a gun and it’s normal because they can get permissions to take them. In my opinión that is no good. The second thing is that you never know who are you talking to, who are you being with and who are you working with. Sometimes, people can lie and say they are normal and faithfull to work. But then, they are runing out of the country because they did something wrong and pilotean are purchasing them. Every country has weaknesses.

  51. Hello,

    I think this world is full of insecurities, therefore if a country has many people living together is more difficult the coexistence. Large countries like United States should have high security standards to prevent these crimes and provide security to citizens; today it is very difficult to trust in the people that around us, morals values have changed and not respected each other, it serves as teaching that we should care, in this world there are good and bad people and we dont know.

    Marcelo Andres Muñoz Toro Ciclo 5A

  52. Hello
    Violence is an inhuman factor daily lives in the world, there are unscrupulous people who want to harm others, this is done because it seems fun or for some financial need. Violence is the main problem facing humanity.

    Angie Quintero Padilla ciclo VA.

  53. united states has been showed as a peacefuly city due to its progress. but currently, it did not happen. violence is not only in poor countriest but also rich ones. to solve this, people has to taking into aacount that a propper education start from home and not in school. on the other hand, if there is not good system security in the streets, there is not piece and quiet in united states main streets. as reflextion, if people want to generate a change, they have to start first educating thier sons.

  54. hello my name is eduardo basto, the united states has been showed as a peacefuly city due to its progress and cultural diversity . but currently, the violence has taken each one of the world corners.. violence is not reflected only in poor countriest but also rich ones. to solve this, people has to taking into aacount that a propper education starts in home and not in school. on the other hand, if there is not good system security in the streets, there is not piece and quiet in united states's main streets. as reflextion, if people want to generate a change, they have to start first bieng the change of thier world picking up a good government.

  55. Good morning,my name is Juan Felipe Rico from the cycle 6 and this is my opinion:
    Cause we all know, United States is one of the biggest countries of all the world and there is a lot of people, different cultures and foreigns.There are a lot of reasons the murders can happen, they can be all about money, maybe drug dealers, sometimes other countries send people to kill north americans, or like in the thug neighborhoods where the black people have internal fights between dangerous groups. The murders are very difficult to control, and even in a giant country. In my opinion I think United States have a good security control, I can´t say they don´t rob, kill, kidnap, but what I can say is that they don´t have groups like FARC in Colombia, that scares the people.

  56. Nicolas Higuera C6A1. The problem with America or USA whatever you want to call it, is that goverment and some places sell guns to any citizen and its totally legal, this cause that in the wrong hands could increase violence in some of these cities. Another factor is that there are some serious problems among races, like black or latino people that the police does not concern about, nstead of solving these problems they increased them and finally I think that maybe crime organizations are too powerful in these cities and they can not be control or low theyre spawn because of what they are, so to police and other forces is too risky and dangerous to combat against them.

    1. Well, you know, some politicians have tried to forbid guns or restrict their use, but there is a large part of the population that just don't want that to happen, they believe they have the right to carry guns. Now, regarding police officers, well their problem as you say, seems to be racism and the fact that they neglect their duty (of course just some of them); I really don't know, but I'm sure that if they really wanted to reduce crime they could have done something already.

  57. Good afternoon, all place in the world can be dangerous, it depends on us analyze the sector or place where we are and take the necesary precautions, to be alert for imminet danger, example: not talk on phone in the stree, not talk to strangers, have emergency numbers speed dial, call the polici when he saw something suspicios, the idea is not give opportunities to crime, and is importan to statians state, make educational conciliatory measures in the school or Universitys, after all the problems born in the few values, we make a better world, with small actions.

    Ciclo 5 Oscar Bedoya.

  58. Hello everybody,
    In my opnion, there's insecurity everywhere, one of the reasons of american crime could be the easy access to guns because they're sold with ease, and perhaps there's so many people with bad intentions buying them, in these 10 cities theres a population of about more than 1'000.000. There are too many people in the Usa that comes from all over the world , and because of that there are so many different ways of thinking, cultures, mores, and not everyone is able to accept the others, and respect the difference, so this could affect the crime rate and icrease it.

    Juliana Manzi, 6b

    1. Hello Juliana.
      It is true that some people, in certain circumstances, lack the ability to resolve conflicts without resoting to violence, especially in contexts full of diversity but socially depressed. In addition, the ease with which people get guns in America, does not make the problems any lighter.

  59. Hi I'm Luis Enrrique Lozano.

    In All countries exist dangerous places, United States is not an exception, I think that surely in USA there are many cities more safe that the ten mentioned in the list, but always will have crimes.

    The information is very interesting because, people tend to believe that United States is extremely safe and it is not like that.

    1. Hello Luis Enrique.
      As you say there are safer cities as well. Now, I don't really know if there is anybody out there who believes that US is a safe country, there are shootings because of their gun ownership policies; I disagree with your final line.

  60. Hello, my name is Laura Barrera, C6A
    I think that the main cause of violence in the United States is how poor the control of weapons sale is, a gun is accessible to almost anyone in this country and it will not always be used in self-defense but to cause damage to others.
    I also think that the world has a very positive vision of this country, which like other have problems like violence.
    Of course this does not take away the country good image and all the resources, opportunities and good things it have. We can find bad people who just want to do harm to others all around the world.

  61. Good afternoon. My name is Natalia Mila. C4.
    The United States are known for promoting in their citizens the personal use of weapons. At news, we can see how easy is for American people to buy a gun, and who can't do it from legality, receives the aid of darkness sites to get it; this practice permits that everyone carries a gun, for using in self-defense, for crime, or taking justice into their own hands.
    Also, the problem of a corrupted society where the unbridled consumerism, the high unemployment, the high taxes and the growing resurgence of the racism, and a marked difference between poor and rich people, are the enabling environment for increasing the violence in the country; Added to immigration problem, because it doesn't matter if immigrants are legal or not. The most important thing is to know what is that people's intention to arrive to U.S.A.: It's only for working or studying?, It´s to make real the "American dream"? or.... what does the immigrant think to do?
    There are so many questions and so much deep problems to solve for a big country that receives day by day millions of visitants from arround the world and its population grows up every day.

  62. Hello my name is wilfredo avilez ricon
    ingles - grado 10°

    the violence is found in all parts, and in all forms that exist.
    one of the problems more big in the united states is the sale of arms, the racism and the lack of justice.

    in the united states the cities are big as the vegas or orlando, florida. in this cities the violence is very big thanks to his attractions for the turists.

    also the people is very indifferent and intolerant, if occurs a stole the people not react because they prefer not intervene

  63. For many it results difficult to think that a country like United States, can have security problems; however, he has them.

    Unfortunately, There are cities with high index of crime.

    I think that unlove, care and instruction, for youths and kids, are causing it.

    People grow feeling hate to other and themself. For they, aren't important the beginnings and the values. The human quality is coming down. The tecnology has frozen the affection relationships.

    A country without love, is a country with a lot of problems.

    Edwin Alfonso Rodríguez Rodríguez
    C6 Grado 11 Cemex 2016

  64. everywhere in the world there is always war and danger but more sad is that always falls alos more children, it is very sad but this is something that will always exist. Caracas is the most dangerous city in the world. It is included in a study of the Citizen Council for Security and Criminal Justice, a Mexican NGO that has compiled a list of what are the 50 most insecure and violent homicide rate more cities.

  65. Cesar Oswaldo Vargas
    Ciclo 6 grado 11 Cemex 2016

    I think that violence is a theme present in all countries but in Americas and in different states of USA is very often because programs tv mixed with the internet and similarly free trade of weapons where even the less apt you can purchase a weapon with a simple procedure despite all federal declared unto the world. but not only due to this there are also concepts of religion, race and economic level where selfishness is promoted greed to make money and live well surrounded by fame, riches and many luxuries that ends with the competition

  66. Good afternoon
    Washington has been achieved resounding success in making small and portailes weapons, citizens have won the right without limits or restrictions on carrying weapons as a protection mechanism, this means that US citizen may possess weapons freely.
    This situations results in the fact that there are almost as many guns in private hands in the US as the country has inhabitants.
    Such a circumstance creates certain aggressiveness in people who have decided to resolve their differences through the use of weapons and not dialogue, therefore the ease with which a person can buy a weapon, makes criminals can get a gun o handgun and with that perform
    in muggings and murders to profit from the goods of others.
    Given is, we must keep fighting for the world to disarm
    and love reigns and please.
    Thank you.

  67. Although the United States is the country of opportunities, because of its rate of diverse jobs and amazing experiences, it is a country where the crimes are part of everyday living, lifes are numbers, and the gun's freedom opaque the beauty of a dominating state thanks to the globalization, neoliberalism and the avarice induced by the capitalism.

    Mateo Silva
    VI Cicle

  68. To me it is no surprise seeing Detroit as the first one, given the fact that even though it used to be a very proficient city in trading and the famous "Motor City", Detroid fell off the curve and became a "ghost town" and the biggest U.S.A city to declare bankruptcy, then we see cities like Las Vegas or Orlando, where the hig crime ratios are mostly because they are very hig touristic points of interest, and arround the world the more foreginers that come into a city the more the local thugs take the bite of the visitors, and then we have the "lesser cities" in the list that are in there because they have considerably hig murder ratios for the relative low population

    Misael Torres Urquía C6

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. United States is one of the most powerful countries of the world, it has a lot of liberty, which is the reason to obtain guns and also illegal goods. Not all the people is in condition to carry one, they may restrict with laws certain freedom of the citizens. United States has strict sentences with criminals, but crimes will not desapear, because is an easy way to obtain money. I didn't now that this cities of the united states were the most dangerous of the conuntry, it will be a relevant information when traveling to de USA.

  71. My name is erick leonardo huertas guio C-6
    The United States is one country of the first world as an example of development and social evolution, something that make it seems like a perfect country but, it´s not as well they have their mistakes and a criminal side as every country, we can look on that report that the percentage of crimes is high by the amount of people in each city and as we can define is that the ranking is according to de level of crimes by one hundred thousand people of that city.
    In my opinion is usual that there were crimes but, the government should do a plan to improve the security and reduce the amount of crimes.

  72. Hi, my name is Paula Lancheros
    United States is characterized as a global power which draws the attention of many people because it is a country that offers diverse opportunities and helps the entrepreneur, but beyond how good it can be also there are large indices of delinquency, the united states just want to stand out as a country evolved, hiding the violence that is generated every day. Presently in the United States it evidenced as racism has taken the streets, leaving only dead by discrimination.

  73. America is a rich country where many people from around the world they live there, they have emigrated to seek work and a better life, but not everything is in the reality as people think there is a lot of violence, because the government they allowed people to have weapons and allow libertine sex life because in some cities this approved illegal drugs that helps the America is a rich country where many people from around the world they live there, they have emigrated to seek work and a better life, but not everything is in the reality as people think there is a lot of violence, because the government they allowed people to have weapons and allow libertine sex life because in some cities this approved illegal drugs that helps the corruption situations of some cities more violent

  74. United States is a dangerous country, but these laws accept the Capital Punishment, but the Crime is the most dangerous in Cities, but the terrorism whip the Country since 2001, the criminals terrorize the City most famous in the United States.
    People Steal the Banks anywhere in United States, thanks for the Black Market is the Very Difficult in Control in the world, give opportunity for the criminals for more criminal acts in United States.
    I am Juan Sebastian Bello Ciclo 5

  75. Detroit: this used to be the home of the car makers in the US, with the advance of globalization the jobs were outsourced and people were suddenly without income. That helped a lot to the current state of criminality.

    Menphis: Although they have a high criminality, they are lowering their stats every single year due to their investments in social programs.

    Miami: Was for many years the home of colombian and other latin american drug cartels. Besides that, there are many inmigrants from spanish speaking countries who are looking for asylum. Many are gang members. This influx during decades has helped to increase those crimes.

    Las Vegas: This city has been a gangsters hole since its creations, Many mafias, being the most famous the italians, have used this place for all kinds of ilegal business. There is no surprise they have so much criminality.

    Stockton: California is a majority of minorities. There are many racial tensions in california because many different groups of people with different backgrounds are disputing the same space.

    Orlando: There are tourist from all over the world because of Disney Parks. Many resources of the economy are dedicated to the tourism sector, because of this the suburbs lack some things that makes them more vulnerable.

    Little Rock: Arkansas is in the middle of the US. Most of the population is concentrated in the coasts, many issues of the average US citizen in this part of the world are not taken into account by the central goverment. Outsourcing of jobs has hited this territories very hard. Thats why they supported populism in the last elections.

    Charleston: People had always been kind of aggresive. This was a really important city in the Independence War. I guess they still have that belic instinct in their veins.

    Nashville: The southern states are under lots of pressure. The racial tensions between blacks and whites are higher than ever. Additionally, the influx of new people, mainly brown hispanics, is unbalancing an already dangerous situation.

    Baltimore: lots of unemployment, gangs and many restrictions for regular citizens to have guns have created a timebomb in there.


  76. United States has been a city very touristic, if you want to visit that country you have to think in all the dangers regardless of which city you are. I have an aunt there, she lives in California and sometimes she call me and she says how is her life far to Colombia and the differences between our country and north america. She has told me about violence and how similar it can be to live in a Latin American country and where she is living. I believe that the government of the United States should increase security and police forces, not only for its inhabitants, but also for tourists, because the places mentioned are supplied economically by foreigners who visit them.


  77. Carlos Alberto Arroyave BuitragoJanuary 7, 2018 at 1:54 PM

    Good afternoon, my name is Carlos Alberto Arroyave, I course C5 Y C6.
    This information is a good one for me, because in spite to be short, is clear, easy to understand, and important. In our country, media have been responsible for making us see United States like the dreamt place.
    This information is a good one for me, because in spite to be short, it is clear, easy to understand, and important. In our country, media have been responsible of making us see United States like the dreamt place. Movies and television show the best part of the United States; beautiful and rich neighborhoods, good medicine and hospitals, great technology, among others. This information shows the reality, even of some places that for many years are shown like magic and incredible such us Miami Florida, Las Vegas, and Orlando, Florida.

  78. good afternoon,
    MY name is Ernesto leal Trujillo the corse C6.
       the information served a lot because it helps us to inform ourselves when traveling and so the most fascinating to know that we face this uniods is copcniderated as one of the most violent countries and rasistas of history can be world power but they are very bad people because they do not live in community this reason makes the deaths and public indifference worse.
    Thanks you..

  79. Hello, good afternoon my name is William Duarte of course 11.
    My big dream and that of my family is to know the United States, since it is a very touristy country where one can know incredible things, like the snow since here in Colombia we can not see that show, we also take our children to Disney, sin however, in recent years has reached this great country, and more by its current president many people do not agree as his presidency has arrived, and every day the percentages of violence rise and that is a pity for the country that can lower your tourism.

  80. Good afternoon
    My dream is to travel with my family to the united States, this information is very important because it informs us and shows us which are the most dangerous cities in the United States regarding the murders that are committed in each city, for examples I would like to take my children to Orlando Florida to meet Mickey Mouse and all the Disney characters, and personally I would like to go Vegas because of magazine and the internet and other media that is one of the most beautiful places to make best and you can do what one dream, that would be Paradise for me, and as for it´s danger, aech person decides which destination wants to take,me and my family to travel to those places it would be fantastic.

  81. My opinion is that the cities of the United States are overpopulated which is affecting the different states, in terms of crime and homicides; This is due to the laws that currently govern the United States, which has allowed an absurd freedom in terms of drugs, carrying weapons, lack of police action and racial discrimination by the national government. It is also due to emigrants from other countries who fight for a job opportunity in the so-called American dream, where many do not manage to do so and end up committing these crimes of criminality and thus a high rate of people.
