This is an excellent explanation about how to write an essay,  it´s necessary to pay attention in every tips, but remember the practice helps us to improve this competence as well.


  1. Is important to know about essays?, why?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good afternoon:

      Know about essays is important because these essays will be required in our university life for almost every subject so knowing how to write an essay will help us to define the major ideas and then inform the reader about our opinion or about some information.
      The diagram helps to connect all the ideas so we can put our main points together so they have sense.
      There are a lot of guides to write an essay but although I followed them I made a few like repeat the information or write in different times.

      María Fernanda Giraldo
      Cycle 5

  2. I think to do an essay is really complex and that task needs all your concentration and is indispensable that you look for more information about the topic you want to talk. It doesn’t matter if you are very subjective, but you have to base your writing in something real and concrete about the topic and then you can write your own opinion and point of view about the topic. My common mistakes are to think in join the paragraphs without lose the idea.


  3. Know how to develop an essay properly is necessary, because in high demand so much useful to the reader a topic explicarle an easier way.
    My most common problem when elaborate an essay, is when I can not keep up with the theme and I detour to other issues.

    thank you very much

    Steven Basabe

    cycle 6

  4. Hello my name is Juan Felipe Rico from the cycle 5B and this is what I think:

    The essays are very important because you can transfer the information to the reader very easy. The parts of the essay are very helpful, the way you organize them, the way you express your text. When you start writing an essay you have to concentrate a lot, because if you have mistakes the reader is going to start being confused with your information, you should have a very good writing and clear mind and ideas. Every time your are going to start improving your writing, and when you understand perfectly the essays you can do what you want with them.

    Thank you

  5. Hello
    I didn´t know how to do an essay, it was difficult to me because of the vocabulary. Sometimes the current topics have a specific vocabulary and I don´t have the enough to do an essay. Also, it was difficult to follow the steps of the essay, for example the thesis stamen has a specific structure. However, I chose a topic that I like, it helped to me for doing this essay.
    Luz Stella Sarmiento
    Ciclo 6 B

  6. I think that is very important to know various forms for write correctly essays. Because in the essay I have the opportunity to expose my opinion and it's totally free, so should consider the people that will read for that they understand

    Viviana Grosso cycle 6b

  7. The way to do a great essay is clearly described in this lesson, but my main difilculty was the way to pick up a topic.

    At last I decided to write a essay about family.

    stefania sanchez cicle 6A 2015

  8. Best regard,

    Testing is important, because it can give a personal view on the subject which is being discussed.

    Did you know really to do an essay?
    Yes, but in this activity I discovered a more efficient way to do one.

    What were your common mistakes?
    The dificualtades I had was to translate the English test, since there are more words and use good grammar.

    1. Hello Marcelo.
      I'm glad the activity taught you something. Writing is a difficult process in Spanish an more in English.
      In order to avoid the difficulty of translating, you could have done your essay in English from the very beginning.

  9. Mateo Gómez Bernal

    Good morning,

    Of course, must know how to write essays is very important because it helps us in our academic life, know the types of trials because some professional level will serve as much. The methodology of a trial is important to know how structure all the ideas and them benefits that us gives to the know write one.

  10. My style of essay´ it´s brief, because I learn the topic and resume the articles and topics, I should understand the words of this, and the sense of my written.
    My common mistakes is a orthography errors, I correct the written for best information.
    This essay´s is the best form of communication for the reader.


  11. Hello,
    I did not know how to do an essay. When you don’t know what to write about, it’s a sign that you’re disconnected from your theme. The diagram helps to connect all the ideas so we can put our main points together so they have sense. Your focus isn’t on the people who really matter. If it was, finding a topic wouldn’t be an issue. When you’re well connected to your theme and their needs and interests, topic ideas abound.

  12. Ana María Ramírez C6

    I already knew how to write an essay because in my previous school I learned how to write an essay, but I had never tried to write one in English, which has been difficult for me because you need to know a lot of vocabulary and logical connectors. I think that writing the essay of the activity was a challenge, because, even though I already knew the structure to write an essay, it is difficult to achieve that all the ideas connect logically, the essay be organized and all the information is transmitted correctly

  13. Juan David Moreno SotomonteMarch 7, 2019 at 11:19 PM

    Through this activity I realized that really I didn´t know how to do a good essay because I never read deeply how is the correctly method to do this text right until I read all the information that this activity gave me. So based in what I learn I can say that my commons mistakes are, first I never did a diagram to organizes all the content that I going to express. And the consequence is the order´s lack that provoke in my essay many confusions. Second, I didn´t think on my main ideas to develop a plan to do the body of my essay. And finally generally I made the introduction first than the body but I learned the introduction it is made at the last with the conclusions thereby be a good introduction taking the reader attention.
